Installation Manual

Please find the below instruction guide. We are on hand to provide additional support. The installation manual below will be finalised and personalised for any direct customers in the future.

Installation Guide

Our core focus from the start is ensuring that the Yachtech devices can be self-installed. We have provided the following installation guide, however, to support the installation process, you can contact our installation support team on the following number from 8 am – 8pm GMT every day of the week. +44 (0) 203 4883882.

The Device

Our Yachtech device is IP67 rated giving is a suitable waterproof rating to be splashed and take minor submersions in water. As such, we recommend installing the device above the bilges. We recommend installing the device close to your batteries in a hidden location. The device must not be installed below any metal or carbon fibre surfaces, to ensure accurate the GPS location services will be.

Connecting Cables

We’ve worked hard to make installing our devices as easy as possible. Here is what the connecting cables look like. Always ensure the cables are connected securely.

* The Float Switch must be installed in your bilges above the bilge pump. The float switch is triggered by rising water levels.

** The white ignition monitoring cable must be connected to the ignition circuit that gives a voltage output when the engine is started (e.g. the accessory wire on the engine key).


Your Yachtech device is now installed, and the status of the device can be determined as follows: